Thursday, April 12, 2012

Reading Lesson Plan 2

Reading Lesson Plan # 2
Rationale: (Same as last lesson) My students are able to read and sound-out unknown words by syllabic analysis, but they do not chunk sentences by words or phrases, and would be difficult to be understood by a peer.  They need help with prosody, an element of fluency, so that they may understand how the syllables connect into words, which connect into meaningful sentences.  In this lesson, however, the students will be forced to practice prosody on a brand new text, as prosody does not only encompass fluency and inflection with known texts.

Objective for this lesson (performance, condition, criteria):

Student will integrate what they’ve learned from my prosody reading in the last lesson, as well as their experiences with prosody reading their familiar book to read a brand new text, Donde vivo, with prosody, in a small group setting.

o    Performance: States what a learner is expected to be able to do to demonstrate learning
o    Conditions: Describes the conditions under which a student is able to do or perform the task (when/where or during what activity will the student display the performance?)
o    Criterion: Clarifies how well the student must perform the task in order for the performance to be acceptable

Materials & supplies needed:
-each student’s copy of Donde vivo book
Procedures and approximate time allocated for each event

Introduction to the lesson  (2 minutes) “Last time we met in this group, we worked on reading with expression, and by words and phrases, instead of syllables.  We are going to do the same thing today with a brand new book!  

  OUTLINE of key events during the lesson  (15 minutes)
  “Remember how you all read En la ciudad?  I want you to do the same thing with this book.
  The name of this book is Donde vivo.  What do you think it is about?
  Notice how I read the title and author.  How did I do that?  What did it sound like?
  We are going to read the first page, one at a time, and practice reading quickly and with expression, like we’re talking.”
  Each student will read the first page.
  “Some of the vocabulary in this book is new.  Let’s go through these words so that they are easy to read when we come upon them”
 We will go through the new vocabulary, consisting of the terms of where various animals live (cave, nest, etc.)
  Afterward, each student will read the book out loud, with prosody.

Closing summary for the lesson (3 minutes)

After each one of them have read, I will  recap on the importance of prosody, like the last lesson.

“Why do you think it is important to learn how to read like this?”
“Was it more difficult to read this book with prosody than En la ciudad?  Why do you think that is?”

I will make sure to thank them for their hard work and time.

Ongoing-Assessment: I will be sure to listen to the students reading during reading time, if they are reading out loud, and possibly ask my mentor teacher to pull them aside just to get a little flavor of what it is they are reading, and how they are reading.

Formal assessment:  I’ve adapted Tompkins’ assessment on page 215.  When each of my students is reading during the lesson, I will circle what my students are doing.  
Do students a)  read most words automatically, or b)  do they stop to decode many unfamiliar words?
Do students a)  read quickly enough to understand what they’re reading, or b)  do they read too slowly or too fast?
Do students a) chunk words into phrases, or b) do they read word by word?
Do students a) read expressively, or b) do they read in a monotone?

If students do the “a” option, then they have mastered that aspect of prosody.  If they do the “b” option, then that is something we need to work on in future lessons.
Adaptations: Based on what you know about your focus students, what Academic, Social and/or Linguistic Support will be needed during the lesson?

The instruction on vocabulary right before reading will help the students identify the word better once they come upon it, since it will be a brand new word for all of them!
The students need to be reminded to be patient and wait their turn to read, as other classmates are reading.  They also need to be reminded to be respectful while others are practicing reading in front of the group.

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